Never Again Separated from Him

In 1632, St. Louise explained the Eucharist as an instrument of conformity to the Divine Will1
Holy Communion with the Body of Jesus Christ causes us truly to participate in the joy of the Communion of Saints in Paradise. This joy was merited for us by the Incarnation and the death of the Son of God. So powerful was this merit, that the reconciliation of human nature by means of it is so great that we can never again be separated from the love of God. Just as God sees Himself united to man in heaven by the hypostatic union of the word made Flesh, so He wanted such a union on earth so that the human race would never again be separated from Him. We can never again be separated from Him! He keeps us close. The Living Word is present to us, He calls to us, He invites us to union with the Father through the sacrifice of the Son.
When I receive Communion, do I feel in my very being that I am part of the Communion of
Saints, united with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit?
Pray with Louise
St. Louise wrote this “Prayer Before Communion”. Pray it together, and take it with you to pray silently at Mass.
Most Holy Spirit, the Love of the Father and of the Son, come to purify and to embellish my soul so that it will be agreeable to my Savior and so that I may receive Him for His greater glory and my salvation. I long for You with all my heart, O Bread of Angels. Do not consider my unworthiness which keeps me away from You, but listen only to Your love that has so often invited me to approach You. Give Yourself entirely to me, my God. May Your precious body, Your holy soul, and Your glorious divinity, which I adore in this Holy Sacrament, take complete possession of me.
Sweet Jesus! Gentle Jesus! My God and my All! Have mercy on all souls redeemed by Your precious blood. Inflame them with the arrow of Your love in order to make them grateful for the love that urged You to give Yourself to us in the Blessed Sacrament.
To this end, I offer You the glory that You enjoy within Yourself from all eternity, and all the graces that You granted the Blessed Virgin and the saints, together with the glory that they will eternally render You by this same love.
1 “Spiritual Writings of Louise de Marillac”, edited and translated by Sr. Louise Sullivan, D.C., New City Press, New
York (1991), p. 713