Saint Vincent de Paul and the Eucharist
Love is Inventive to Infinity St. Vincent’s famous saying that “love is inventive to infinity” was his explanation of the Eucharist in his “Exhortation to a Dying Brother” in 16471. Read and meditate on his words: “Furthermore, since love is inventive to infinity, after being affixed to the infamous stake of the cross to win… Read more
Blessed Frédéric Ozanam and the Eucharist
United with Each Other Frédéric remembered his First Communion as one of the most significant days of his life: “I made my first communion May 11, 1826… Day of happiness, may my hand wither and my tongue cleave to my palate if I ever forget it! I changed greatly then. I became modest, good, docile,… Read more
St. Louise de Marillac and the Eucharist
Never Again Separated from Him In 1632, St. Louise explained the Eucharist as an instrument of conformity to the Divine Will1 Holy Communion with the Body of Jesus Christ causes us truly to participate in the joy of the Communion of Saints in Paradise. This joy was merited for us by the Incarnation and the… Read more
Blessed Rosalie Rendu and the Eucharist
Christ in the Catacombs Born and baptized in 1786, it was under the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution that Bl. Rosalie Rendu’s earliest faith life was born and fed. Little Jeanne-Marie, called Marie by her family, learned from her parents a simple and generous manner. From the youngest age, following their example, she… Read more