Almsgiving Sunday

  • Food lists and donation envelopes will be distributed after all Masses on March 8 & 9
  • Please bring food and donations on March 15 & 16
New “Tap to Give” donation machine in the Narthex at St Michael’s Church

Image result for st vincent de paul society

About Us

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a lay Catholic not-for-profit charity that helps economically-vulnerable people globally with emergency food hampers and assistance meeting basic needs.

St Michaels Conference in Calgary was started in 1994 to help and support the families in the community of Cougar Ridge, West Springs, Aspen Woods, Patterson, Coach Hill, Wildwood, Spruce Cliff, Shaganappi, Rosscarrock, Westgate, Christy Park, Strathcona, and Prominence Point.

Need Help?

If you need help and live in one of these communities : Cougar Ridge, West Springs, Aspen Woods, Patterson, Coach Hill, Wildwood, Spruce Cliff, Shaganappi, Rosscarrock, Westgate, Christy Park, Strathcona, and Prominence Point

Call   403-249-0423, ext. 122 Please clearly state your name, address and phone number.

Do you live outside these communities, please visit SSVP Calgary for a list of Parish conferences

How Can You Help Us?

Monetary Donations

Place cash or cheques in donation envelopes (write your name and address for tax receipt) found in St. Michael’s Parish SSVP food box in the narthex and drop them at the collection basket during Mass or at the SSVP donation box.


Click on the Donate Button

Non Perishable items

DONATIONS of non-perishables and monetary can be dropped off in the SSVP Food Chest in the Church’s Gathering Area.

List of non-perishables here

Want to join us?

Contact us by email or phone 403-249-0423, ext. support

Fun Fact

St. Vincent de Paul society was not founded until more than 150 years after St. Vincent’s death. Blessed Fredrick Ozanam founded the Society. He named it after St. Vincent de Paul, who is the patron saint of charitable societies, and modelled the Society on his call to “See Christ in the poor and to be Christ to the poor”.